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Neen serieus, zegt niet veel op dit formaat maar de ruis is natuurlijk wel degelijk aanwezig (Gays armen bvb)
Denk er toch sterk aan om een D300 te kopen, en dat is voor een Canon-fanaat veel gezegd. Probleem is alleen dat je zo weinig geld krijgt voor je 2e hands spullen he...
Gear list : Fujifilm X-T3 + 18-55/2.8-4 + 23/1.4 + 55-200 + 35/2 || Sony rx100m4 || Sony A7III + kitlens + Tamron 28-75/2.8 + fe55/1.8
Welk beeld krijg je vooraf op het LCD scherm van de D300 en de D3, dat van het ingestelde diafragma of dat van de volle lensopening? Voor de scherptediepte controle is het eerste van belang. Krijgt de zoeker dan nog wel het licht van de volle lensopening?
Welk beeld krijg je vooraf op het LCD scherm van de D300 en de D3, dat van het ingestelde diafragma of dat van de volle lensopening? Voor de scherptediepte controle is het eerste van belang. Krijgt de zoeker dan nog wel het licht van de volle lensopening?
Normaal gezien kijk je steeds door de zoeker met volledig open diafragma, dit zal voor Live View ook zowel zijn. Wil je de scherptediepte controleren, dan moet je op deze knop drukken(diafragma manueel sluiten) en dat is zo voor in de zoeker en mogelijk ook voor de Live view; Al stel ik me wel vragen over de betrouwbaarheid via het LCD schermpje (Het is al geen sinecure om de scherptediepte te beoordelen via de zoeker) en ik werk met een camera die één van de grootste zoekers heeft.
Welk beeld krijg je vooraf op het LCD scherm van de D300 en de D3, dat van het ingestelde diafragma of dat van de volle lensopening? Voor de scherptediepte controle is het eerste van belang. Krijgt de zoeker dan nog wel het licht van de volle lensopening?
Als het echt Live preview zoals op een digicam is,dat van het ingestelde diafragma,zo kun je perfect zien hoe je foto er gaat uitzien.In dit verband vind ik het reuze jammer dat het LCD niet kantelbaar is.Met mijn oude Sony828 kon ik een insectje opmerken aan de onderzijde van een blad van een klein plantje,camera eronder,camerabody gedraaid en hop ik had hem op foto.Zou toch fantastisch zijn moest dit kunnen met de D300?Het is ook niet zo dat dit om de een of andere reden technisch onmogelijk zou zijn met een DSLR:
I see the only handy thing with that is for the odd crowd-shot where the camera can be held over head and sort of aimed in the right direction. Then you're got to still look up, and try to see the screen in the light, and a low angle, etc. ?
I'm just dreading seeing someone use a DSLR like a compact though. taking a pic with some D3 held out at arm's length, relying on the LCD.
Handy addition to the tools, sure. real advantage, and something that's going to improve what comes out the camera? dunno yet, I'll have to try and see.
I see the only handy thing with that is for the odd crowd-shot where the camera can be held over head and sort of aimed in the right direction. Then you're got to still look up, and try to see the screen in the light, and a low angle, etc. ?
I'm just dreading seeing someone use a DSLR like a compact though. taking a pic with some D3 held out at arm's length, relying on the LCD.
Handy addition to the tools, sure. real advantage, and something that's going to improve what comes out the camera? dunno yet, I'll have to try and see.
It strikes me to see that there are still so many ppl out there that want to ridicule or minimize the use of live view,even now,with two top cameras (the M3 and the D3 ) offering it.We already knew that it's not meant to hold the camera at arm's length like a small digicam,thank you.
The purposes are many:difficult angles (like the forementioned insect shot ) ,casual portraits taken from the hip without the intrusive sound of the shutter(makes ppl more comfortable with the camera's presence so that they don't start to pose subconsciously )shots in theaters and churches were the normal shutter sound is very disturbing,thetered shots(here the camera's live view can be seen on a monitor screen,and the camera is handled on a distance to take the shot on the exact moment)
With the D300 it might be possible to enlarge the live view image on its super high resolution screen,and check focus far better then with any optical viewfinder.Furthermore,you immediately see wether your WB is off,and the overall practical value is to see exactly what the camera sees,so that if your settings are wrong (shutter/aperture/WB/ISO speed ) you notice this instantly,even before taking the shot.So much more direct than reading all the camera's overlaid information in the viewfinder,were one can easily overlook something.
Laughing away live preview as some kind of amateuristic gadget is an act of DSLR snobbery,that won't last much longer.Within a few years,all DSLR's will feature live view.Because it is easy,handy and logical.
It strikes me to see that there are still so many ppl out there that want to ridicule or minimize the use of live view,even now,with two top cameras (the M3 and the D3 ) offering it.We already knew that it's not meant to hold the camera at arm's length like a small digicam,thank you.
The purposes are many:difficult angles (like the forementioned insect shot ) ,casual portraits taken from the hip without the intrusive sound of the shutter(makes ppl more comfortable with the camera's presence so that they don't start to pose subconsciously )shots in theaters and churches were the normal shutter sound is very disturbing,thetered shots(here the camera's live view can be seen on a monitor screen,and the camera is handled on a distance to take the shot on the exact moment)
With the D300 it might be possible to enlarge the live view image on its super high resolution screen,and check focus far better then with any optical viewfinder.Furthermore,you immediately see wether your WB is off,and the overall practical value is to see exactly what the camera sees,so that if your settings are wrong (shutter/aperture/WB/ISO speed ) you notice this instantly,even before taking the shot.So much more direct than reading all the camera's overlaid information in the viewfinder,were one can easily overlook something.
Laughing away live preview as some kind of amateuristic gadget is an act of DSLR snobbery,that won't last much longer.Within a few years,all DSLR's will feature live view.Because it is easy,handy and logical.
I give up with this place, really.
I question something from a 'personal' point of view, How 'I' see this addition to DSLR progress. that's all! Once again it's seen as an attack.
I was going to add that one day all DSLR's will be a different machine, probably no mirror, all live, all direct histogram, etc etc. I'm glad I didn't waste anymore words on this place.
jeez, people, get a life! Buy your canon, nikon, pentax, whatever. I don't give a toss what people use. Just use the bloody things and stop pulling pixels out your arse.
I'm just dreading seeing someone use a DSLR like a compact though. taking a pic with some D3 held out at arm's length, relying on the LCD.
Handy addition to the tools, sure. real advantage, and something that's going to improve what comes out the camera? dunno yet, I'll have to try and see.
Doesn't sound like trying to ridicule or minimalize the use of live view imo.
I 100% agree with this point of view.
weet niet of dit al gepost is, interessant interview met Lindsy Silverman,
senior technical manager Nikon.
spreekt over
-doelgroep d3
-nieuwe lenzen
-lens compatibliteit met DX en oudere lenzen
-scene recognition (invloed op AF, lichtmeting en WB)
-voordelen VGA scherm
-Image processor - AF identiek als topklasse camera D3
-live view, doel en contrast detect autofocus.
jeez, people, get a life! Buy your canon, nikon, pentax, whatever. I don't give a toss what people use. Just use the bloody things and stop pulling pixels out your arse.
Now that was an attack !
It's not worth a fight,and certainly not your leaving this forum.It is just that I've had this discussion over and over On D.Preview for years now.So that explains why I was replying somewhat irritated.Apologies for that.So there is no need to become so agitated,and use words like arse.
I question something from a 'personal' point of view, How 'I' see this addition to DSLR progress. that's all! Once again it's seen as an attack.
I was going to add that one day all DSLR's will be a different machine, probably no mirror, all live, all direct histogram, etc etc. I'm glad I didn't waste anymore words on this place.
jeez, people, get a life! Buy your canon, nikon, pentax, whatever. I don't give a toss what people use. Just use the bloody things and stop pulling pixels out your arse.