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Onze volgende workshop: Street-Fashion - 8 maart 2025, Herentals
De Shooting Day in AARSCHOT op 22 maart 2025 is VOLGEBOEKT
Count us in please ... "Sammeke & Girly"!
Great idea this one ... we have never been in Ireland; must be cool!
Sam greetzzzzzzz U
------------------------------------------- Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth.
------------------------------------------- Canon Stuff
Sounds great. I always wanted to go to Ireland/Dublin, but somehow it just never happens.
3 days seems too short, but Erik and I can always stay a little longer of course (although he doesn't know about this yet).
We're also in favor of a small group
Well, the initial interest has been good. Very good. Thanks everyone.
I started the thread to test the water before investing time into research and investigation for this project. It seems that the time will be worth investing.
Some people are worried about large groups. I'm not concerned about that as I know from experience that as the organisation of these events makes progress, people drop off the list. So for the moment, no panic there.
There will of course be a time where people need to commit, financially. That is when limits and numbers will be finally set and known.
I've already put out my feelers for locations, As I already mentioned Dublin and Shannon are the two contenders for base-camp. A weekend is short so the itinery will be based solely around one of those areas.
Om een idee te geven wat het moet kosten bij Ryanair: Charleroi-Dublin: ca. 90 euro voor het eerste weekend van september (heen en terug, taksen inbegrepen).
Let op voor al te grote fototassen:
- Checked in baggage 15kg per passenger (not infants)
- Hand baggage 10kg per passenger (not infants).
- The maximum size of the cabin hand baggage cannot exceed 55 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm (20 x 14 x 9ins).
We (the wife and me) might be interested, Trebs, but coming from Lelystad, we will be flying from Schiphol, either by KLM or Airlingus. (We fly standby)
What we want to wait for is accomodation, a.s.o. but we welcome this great initiative!
Groets, Gerhard Panasonic FZ1000 - Metz 45 - Nikon S3500