Yes, the high-ISO noise is greater, but how much a "problem" it is for you really depends on individual druthers and what you intend to do with the shots. In most cases, it can be handled nicely with a post-processing NR program like Neatimage, Noise Ninja, or Noiseware. The Canons and Nikons definitely have better high-ISO performance, but overall image quality is debatable. All NR programs (including those provided in-camera) smooth the image and can result in a "plastic" appearance, especially to skin. Whether you like that effect is another issue. One advantage of using a standalone NR program is that you can control how much NR you add.
Another question is how you're going to use the shots. Small prints? Huge prints? Online (web) only? Are you viewing the images at proper distance? and so on. All of these factors affect the amount of visible noise--with any camera, not just the Olys. If most of your printing is at small sizes (4x6, 5x7), or if you reduce image size for viewing on the web, you probably won't notice an objectionable amount of noise from any of the popular dSLRs out there today. If you print lots of 11x14s and don't use a NR program, then look at the images up close, you'll definitely notice more noise from the Olys's high-ISO shots.
Here are some links to images shot at high ISO with the E-300, and processed with Neatimage (E-500 should be similar, perhaps even a bit better).
1. ED 50mm f2.0 macro (ISO 800):
2. These next two were taken with the ED 50mm f2.0 macro (ISO 1600), and treated with Neatimage:
The first of these I have printed out at A4 size, and while some noise was visible in the blur to the sides of the cat's head, it didn't appear objectionable.
3. This next one I developed from RAW using Silkypix in such a way as to accentuate the noise, just to show that noise isn't always a bad thing:
4. Finally, I have an entire series of shots taken at a recent jazz concert, mostly at ISO 1600 with the E-300 and Olympus ED 50-200mm lens. Most of these have been treated with Neatimage, but I left some left untreated, or again deliberately emphasized the noise just to show that grain (noise) can be used creatively.
If you haven't already, you might use the DPReview's Side-by-side comparison function to look at the actual features of these two cameras side by side.
IMO, the Olympus has more features than the Nikon, even before considering Oly's unique addition of dust-filter and in-camera pixel mapping. Another negative factor that some people bring up is the limited number of third-party lenses available, but 4/3 is a relatively new system and Olympus has thought things out pretty well to provide excellent coverage with just a few lenses.
Good luck with your choice.
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Another question is how you're going to use the shots. Small prints? Huge prints? Online (web) only? Are you viewing the images at proper distance? and so on. All of these factors affect the amount of visible noise--with any camera, not just the Olys. If most of your printing is at small sizes (4x6, 5x7), or if you reduce image size for viewing on the web, you probably won't notice an objectionable amount of noise from any of the popular dSLRs out there today. If you print lots of 11x14s and don't use a NR program, then look at the images up close, you'll definitely notice more noise from the Olys's high-ISO shots.
Here are some links to images shot at high ISO with the E-300, and processed with Neatimage (E-500 should be similar, perhaps even a bit better).
1. ED 50mm f2.0 macro (ISO 800):
2. These next two were taken with the ED 50mm f2.0 macro (ISO 1600), and treated with Neatimage:
The first of these I have printed out at A4 size, and while some noise was visible in the blur to the sides of the cat's head, it didn't appear objectionable.
3. This next one I developed from RAW using Silkypix in such a way as to accentuate the noise, just to show that noise isn't always a bad thing:
4. Finally, I have an entire series of shots taken at a recent jazz concert, mostly at ISO 1600 with the E-300 and Olympus ED 50-200mm lens. Most of these have been treated with Neatimage, but I left some left untreated, or again deliberately emphasized the noise just to show that grain (noise) can be used creatively.
If you haven't already, you might use the DPReview's Side-by-side comparison function to look at the actual features of these two cameras side by side.
IMO, the Olympus has more features than the Nikon, even before considering Oly's unique addition of dust-filter and in-camera pixel mapping. Another negative factor that some people bring up is the limited number of third-party lenses available, but 4/3 is a relatively new system and Olympus has thought things out pretty well to provide excellent coverage with just a few lenses.
Good luck with your choice.
Ik heb inmidels zelf de noiseware pro versie gekocht standalone

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