Re: Nikon MX formaat???
Thom Hogan relativeert.
Planned Confusion?
August 25--The August issue of Rangefinder magazine had a curious advertisement in it. WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographer International) is planning a big event, sponsored by Nikon at the February convention. The two have rented the MGM Grand Arena for the event.
This has led to all sorts of speculation, the most common being that "Nikon will introduce its high resolution camera at WPPI." Possibly. But note that the ad says "The 2009 WPPI BIG event, sponsored by NIKON." A lot of people are incorrectly interpreting that as saying "The Nikon event at WPPI." There is a difference between those two statements. More interesting in the ad is the "We really shouldn't say anymore [sic], but we will. Next month!" To me that makes it less likely that WPPI would be the announcement location of a new Nikon product, though it might be the place where something is first available.
Thom Hogan relativeert.
Planned Confusion?
August 25--The August issue of Rangefinder magazine had a curious advertisement in it. WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographer International) is planning a big event, sponsored by Nikon at the February convention. The two have rented the MGM Grand Arena for the event.
This has led to all sorts of speculation, the most common being that "Nikon will introduce its high resolution camera at WPPI." Possibly. But note that the ad says "The 2009 WPPI BIG event, sponsored by NIKON." A lot of people are incorrectly interpreting that as saying "The Nikon event at WPPI." There is a difference between those two statements. More interesting in the ad is the "We really shouldn't say anymore [sic], but we will. Next month!" To me that makes it less likely that WPPI would be the announcement location of a new Nikon product, though it might be the place where something is first available.