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website builders required

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  • website builders required

    I've got a few domains that could do with a new and fresh look so I'm looking for people who could be interested in putting something together for us.

    Up until now I've always put our sites together myself but I just don't have the time for it now. Therefore I'm looking for someone with the skills to quickly and efficiently put something together for us.

    The brief:

    Simple, clean and easy for me to update with new material.

    I have to say I'm very tough on how things look, they're either in my taste or not, I have very clear ideas of what I want. I don't beat around the bush, I either like what I see or I don't.


    As in photography, I'm fully aware that there are many people offering very varied prices, amateur and professional. I'm willing to listen to all options.
    I don't want something for nothing.

    Bearing in mind a student or amateur isn't going to be able to make me an invoice I'm willing to trade services. (something that I assume is still legal practice) I'm willing to offer a photoshoot and of course name mention on the sites. Maybe some will see that as a cheapskate option for me, but it's also reality and a real chance for someone to be part of 2 growing and well known companies.

    The professionals out there who want a chance.... Sell yourselves to me!

    PM, mail or phone.


  • #2
    Re: website builders required

    U got PM


    • #3
      Re: website builders required

      Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door trebs Bekijk bericht
      (something that I assume is still legal practice)...

      No, it is not ...

