Ik lees dat BD-gebruikers foto's kunnen opladen op BD door foto's te hosten op Photobucket, maar in de nieuwe gebruikersvoorwaarden van Photobucket lees ik dat foto's niet mogen worden gelinkt met 3e party image hosting! Als gebruikers zich niet houden aan die vereiste kan hen dat zuur opbreken vrees ik. Moet dit niet aangepast of verduidelijkt worden op de website van BD?
Types of Accounts, Pricing and Limits
Visiting: There is no cost to visit the Site for the purpose of conducting image searches.
Free Account: Each free account provides 2 GB of storage or space available for your Content. The free account does not allow any image linking or 3rd party image hosting. If you are interested in image linking and/or 3rd party image hosting, you will need to subscribe to one of our Paid Accounts. Free account Members can upgrade to a Paid Account at any time.
Types of Accounts, Pricing and Limits
Visiting: There is no cost to visit the Site for the purpose of conducting image searches.
Free Account: Each free account provides 2 GB of storage or space available for your Content. The free account does not allow any image linking or 3rd party image hosting. If you are interested in image linking and/or 3rd party image hosting, you will need to subscribe to one of our Paid Accounts. Free account Members can upgrade to a Paid Account at any time.