Twee maand geleden 3 batterijen daar besteld. Tot op heden nog niets ontvangen.
Als antwoorden krijg ik:
29 aug:
"thank you for your mail and sorry for the delay. The batteries are ordered and we should get them this week."
11 sep:
"thanks for your mail. We are very sorry for the delay. But our
supplier told us now, that our order is on the way to us. So we should recieve it within the next 5 days. On the same day we recieve the
order, we will send it to you."
"thanks for your mail. We are very sorry for the delay. But our supplier told us now, that our order is on the way to us. So we should recieve it within the next 5 days. On the same day we recieve the order, we will send it to you."
Ook gezien dat de mail van 11sept en vandaag juist hetzelfde zijn... Op telefoon neemt er niemand op terwijl er staat: "You can reach us Monday - Friday between 9.30 am and 4.00 pm".
In ieder geval de laatste keer dat ik hier bestel (vorige keer was het zonder problemen).
k'Geef het maar mee als waarschuwing.
Als antwoorden krijg ik:
29 aug:
"thank you for your mail and sorry for the delay. The batteries are ordered and we should get them this week."
11 sep:
"thanks for your mail. We are very sorry for the delay. But our
supplier told us now, that our order is on the way to us. So we should recieve it within the next 5 days. On the same day we recieve the
order, we will send it to you."
"thanks for your mail. We are very sorry for the delay. But our supplier told us now, that our order is on the way to us. So we should recieve it within the next 5 days. On the same day we recieve the order, we will send it to you."
Ook gezien dat de mail van 11sept en vandaag juist hetzelfde zijn... Op telefoon neemt er niemand op terwijl er staat: "You can reach us Monday - Friday between 9.30 am and 4.00 pm".
In ieder geval de laatste keer dat ik hier bestel (vorige keer was het zonder problemen).
k'Geef het maar mee als waarschuwing.