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das een mooie, misschien de schouder het zelfde bewerken als de borst!!
Ik denk niet dat dit bewerkt is, Bouk. Dat zijn gewoon de tonen en de DOF van de D3.
Great image but not sure about the MUA. Didn't like the MUA on my first pass. Seems not the right kind of face for it.
Already like it better on my second pass, but the gloss doesn't work for me.
I would go with more subdued colors (if any) on this 'Sade' face.
Ik denk niet dat dit bewerkt is, Bouk. Dat zijn gewoon de tonen en de DOF van de D3.
Great image but not sure about the MUA. Didn't like the MUA on my first pass. Seems not the right kind of face for it.
Already like it better on my second pass, but the gloss doesn't work for me.
I would go with more subdued colors (if any) on this 'Sade' face.
Just my 2 cents...
@PSG: I think you refer to the make-up... MUA is the artist :lol:
But somehow I had the same thought. But besides that, I wonder why she/he did not fill the entire lower lip? ( I know this is pretty common but I just wondered.)