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Onze volgende workshop: Street-Fashion - 8 maart 2025, Herentals
No, I think most are just too scared to comment.. or dunno what to say. Or just out enjoying the sunshine
We've seen Kim a lot already, this is a very different feel to the rest of her shots that you made.
Refreshing in a way, still that very natural look that Kim seems to manage to keep even though the camera is pointed at her.
There are some details I would have tried to change, but it's not my photo.
The overal feel is the same as I have when looking at others of Kim. A gentle and very relaxing feel. I like the image a lot.
Uiteraard is ie niet slecht. Er wordt echter zooooveel gepost in dit forum dat het nauwelijks te volgen is.
Deze is heel zacht, fragiel, rustgevend, maar trebs kan dat weer allemaal beter uitleggen hé
No, I think most are just too scared to comment.. or dunno what to say. Or just out enjoying the sunshine
We've seen Kim a lot already, this is a very different feel to the rest of her shots that you made.
Refreshing in a way, still that very natural look that Kim seems to manage to keep even though the camera is pointed at her.
There are some details I would have tried to change, but it's not my photo.
The overal feel is the same as I have when looking at others of Kim. A gentle and very relaxing feel. I like the image a lot.
shoot, what would you trie to change ? always prepared to learn ...