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Onze volgende workshop: Street-Fashion - 8 maart 2025, Herentals
Nice, but to be honest, I wonder what it would look like with the weels on it... Although I'm pretty sure there must be a good reason why you've cut them off.
Update: could it have been because then the picture would have extended from under the bridge, and you wanted an all-brick background?
BTW, taken by the invisible photographer... or the cloned-away photographer
Nice, but to be honest, I wonder what it would look like with the weels on it... Although I'm pretty sure there must be a good reason why you've cut them off.
Update: could it have been because then the picture would have extended from under the bridge, and you wanted an all-brick background?
BTW, taken by the invisible photographer... or the cloned-away photographer
There were modern cars at each side, some more ugly graffiti too, so I just went straight for the kill. Caught the passenger looking directly at me and the writing on the wall of the railway bridge.
No cloning. Tele lens and careful body postioning. I'm just hidden in the crease of the door and hinges.