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Onze volgende workshop: Street-Fashion - 8 maart 2025, Herentals
De Shooting Day in AARSCHOT op 22 maart 2025 is VOLGEBOEKT
mooi, weer pure reclame voot de MPE-65
Met de Laowa 25 mm zal je veel dichter op je onderwerp plakken vrees ik ...
Hangt van de vergroting af.
Working Distance
The working distance of both lenses at 5x are comparable, differing by only 1mm. But at 2.5x, the Canon MPE65 has a working distance of 58mm, while the Laowa 25mm is shorter at 45mm. While some photographers prefer longer working distances, I prefer the working distance to have a narrower range so that the lighting set-up and results would be consistent. Having a consistent working distance also helps for those who use their left hand to control the distance between camera and subject. So no clear winner in this, as it depends on individual preferences.