Re: Roodbaard
En langs de andere kant dit :
"The idea that a lens with a longer focal length yields more DOF than one with a shorter focal length may sound controversial, but the effect really is due to the design, not the focal length. Macro lenses exist with a focal length of ~ 200 mm, and these presumably have a pupil magnification that is even smaller than 0.7. Then, provided that the subject is framed the same way, a telephoto macro lens for many applications offers three advantages over its more symmetrical competitor of shorter focal length: an increased working distance, an increased depth of field, and a narrower field of view that comes with a more (absolutely) blurred and less obtrusive background."
Daarom is een 180mm of een 300mm (+EF25) zo'n mooie macrolens
En langs de andere kant dit :
"The idea that a lens with a longer focal length yields more DOF than one with a shorter focal length may sound controversial, but the effect really is due to the design, not the focal length. Macro lenses exist with a focal length of ~ 200 mm, and these presumably have a pupil magnification that is even smaller than 0.7. Then, provided that the subject is framed the same way, a telephoto macro lens for many applications offers three advantages over its more symmetrical competitor of shorter focal length: an increased working distance, an increased depth of field, and a narrower field of view that comes with a more (absolutely) blurred and less obtrusive background."
Daarom is een 180mm of een 300mm (+EF25) zo'n mooie macrolens
