In het gedicht The Great Hunger van Patrick Kavanagh is de putter een van de weinige lichtpuntjes in het leven van een oude Ierse boer:
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The goldfinches on the railway paling were worth looking at −
A man might imagine then
Himself in Brazil and these birds the birds of paradise
And the Amazon and the romance traced on the school map lived again.
— The Great Hunger - Patrick Kavanagh
Carduelis carduelis by Jacques Willems, on Flickr
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The goldfinches on the railway paling were worth looking at −
A man might imagine then
Himself in Brazil and these birds the birds of paradise
And the Amazon and the romance traced on the school map lived again.
— The Great Hunger - Patrick Kavanagh
Carduelis carduelis by Jacques Willems, on Flickr
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