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De nikon D2x topic

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  • Re: De nikon D2x topic

    Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door mediafotograaf Bekijk bericht
    Dit is omdat wanneer je een RAW foto neemt, je je kleurprofiel maar toewijst in je RAW converter, en als je in CS2 als profiel argb hebt staan, zal er ook een kleurfoto staan. Het zwart wit profiel van nikon geldt enkel en alleen voor jpg, tiff, en de previews van de raw file.
    Wacht even, je schiet in B & W stand en aRGB dus een NEF die je in wel in kleur ziet , maar je kan er achteraf enkel een b&W foto uit trekken of niet
    Nikon EM - F801S - D2X en wat snelle Nikkors.


    • Re: De nikon D2x topic

      Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door trebs Bekijk bericht
      I know.
      Then why didn't you tell so instead of confusing the issue
      Nikon EM - F801S - D2X en wat snelle Nikkors.


      • Re: De nikon D2x topic

        Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Adri H Bekijk bericht
        Then why didn't you tell so instead of confusing the issue
        I did. Mr Sven suggested otherwise. I suggested he tried it before telling everyone it was no good.

        Originally Posted by Svenmichiels View Post
        NOOIT, de zwart/wit modus is eigenlijk greyscale.
        Je camera gaat je kleurenfoto omzetten naar grijswaarden wat een groot verschil is met zwart-wit. Vrro zwart-wit foto's trek je de foto in kleur en zet hem om in PS.

        A common mistake to make.

        In fact, shooting in that BW mode is a pretty good idea. You can see areas of contrast in your shots a lot better that way.


        • Re: De nikon D2x topic

          Ok, my mistake
          But to repose my question.. if you put the D2X in B&W mode and go for NEF, all you get is a colored NEF but you can only get a B&W pic out of it or is it also possible to extract color pics 'TIFF/JPEG) afterwards ?
          Nikon EM - F801S - D2X en wat snelle Nikkors.


          • Re: De nikon D2x topic

            Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Adri H Bekijk bericht
            Ok, my mistake
            But to repose my question.. if you put the D2X in B&W mode and go for NEF, all you get is a colored NEF but you can only get a B&W pic out of it or is it also possible to extract color pics 'TIFF/JPEG) afterwards ?
            I don't have Nikon Capture installed anymore, but maybe that sees you record the NEF in B/W mode so will display it on the PC in B/W. (maybe someone with NC can confirm this?)
            I use C1 mostly, if I choose the option "restore settings" it stays in colour. The camera really stores the NEF as RGB and just displays it on the camera as the greyscale. All the colour info remains in the NEF. Result, you still process the colour image as normal, then have to post process it into B/W. For me, this is still the prefered method, allowing more contrast options in processing.
            For those shooting directly to jpg, the in-camera processing will convert the RGB to greyscale for you. As Sven suggested, this isn't ideal. It's good, but can be better.

            So as far as I see it in my RAX processing software, the NEF is always in colour, the software doesn't see that the I set the camera to "record" in B/W. So when using RAW format, images are always in colour, the B/W is totally up to the user and the post processing.

            Curious if Nikon Capture does see that option, and actually display the NEF in the chosen colour pallet, in this case, B/W.

            The Fuji does the same, RAW capture in B/W mode, and the images are processed in the software to display in full colour. It will be the same on all brands I would expect. Unless each brand's dedicated processing software detects this capture setting.


            • Re: De nikon D2x topic

              Can you just clarify what C1 is? I don't know all the editors out there - yet.
              I use Nikon View for the moment and am pleased with it, but when I will crank out more pics (summer season) I will need something that can process a lot of pics fast, so I'm thinking of getting Nikon Capture by then.
              Nikon EM - F801S - D2X en wat snelle Nikkors.


              • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Adri H Bekijk bericht
                Can you just clarify what C1 is? I don't know all the editors out there - yet.
                I use Nikon View for the moment and am pleased with it, but when I will crank out more pics (summer season) I will need something that can process a lot of pics fast, so I'm thinking of getting Nikon Capture by then.
                Sorry, C1 is 'Capture one' by Phase one. It was made specifically to process the images from their digital backs and quickly evolved into something that processes most camera RAW files. All except Kodak's format (Kodak was a serious rival for phase one)

                I stopped using Nikon Capture because it was so slow.. Maybe the new versions and NX are faster.


                • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                  Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door trebs Bekijk bericht
                  In fact, shooting in that BW mode is a pretty good idea. You can see areas of contrast in your shots a lot better that way.
                  Kan je dat eens nader verklaren?



                  • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                    Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door trebs Bekijk bericht
                    I stopped using Nikon Capture because it was so slow.. Maybe the new versions and NX are faster.
                    Klop, maar jammer genoeg is de NX versie nog niets sneller


                    • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                      Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Svenmichiels Bekijk bericht
                      Kan je dat eens nader verklaren?


                      Sven, all I can say, is try it out. Sometimes the colour information is irrelevant in a shot. Composition is. Areas and shapes of the tone and lighting are. The colours are going to be right anyway, We can't do much about that, we can control light, composition and tonal spread in an image.
                      By removing the colour from the LCD "preview" we look more at the image's shape and composition, rather that the colour or the grass, sky, etc.

                      I don't say you should do it all the time, but it is sometimes a nice way to view things.


                      • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                        Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Svenmichiels Bekijk bericht
                        Klop, maar jammer genoeg is de NX versie nog niets sneller
                        Heeft het dan zin hier 100+€ voor neer te tellen?
                        Wat gebruiken jullie om foto's te bewerken.
                        Ik zou graag bij Nikon blijven, is toch altijd het best lijkt me.
                        Nikon EM - F801S - D2X en wat snelle Nikkors.


                        • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                          Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door trebs Bekijk bericht
                          Sven, all I can say, is try it out. Sometimes the colour information is irrelevant in a shot. Composition is. Areas and shapes of the tone and lighting are. The colours are going to be right anyway, We can't do much about that, we can control light, composition and tonal spread in an image.
                          By removing the colour from the LCD "preview" we look more at the image's shape and composition, rather that the colour or the grass, sky, etc.

                          I don't say you should do it all the time, but it is sometimes a nice way to view things.
                          Dat vind ik absoluut een zeer goed idee Learn to see the light



                          • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                            Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Adri H Bekijk bericht
                            Heeft het dan zin hier 100+€ voor neer te tellen?
                            Wat gebruiken jullie om foto's te bewerken.
                            Ik zou graag bij Nikon blijven, is toch altijd het best lijkt me.
                            Ik gebruik nog steeds Nikon Capture 4.4.2
                            There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day. / Alexander Woollcott
                            A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.
                            Contra principia negantem disputari non potest. BD Lidnummer : BD0394BE


                            • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                              En ook ik gebruik nog steeds Nikon Capture 4.4.2 en ik heb de NX hier op mijn Comp staan, maar is langzaam en ik kan niet wennen aan de workfkow
                              D300, D700, 17-35/2,8 AFS, - 28-70/2,8 AFS, - 70-200/2,8 AFS, - 50/1,4 AFS, - 2 X SB 800, - TC17EII- 1.7 - AF Micro 200mm F4.0 - AF 20mm F2.8


                              • Re: De nikon D2x topic

                                Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door NoName Bekijk bericht
                                En ook ik gebruik nog steeds Nikon Capture 4.4.2 en ik heb de NX hier op mijn Comp staan, maar is langzaam en ik kan niet wennen aan de workfkow
                                Idem hier. Ik gebruik NX voorlopig enkel voor de control points.


