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Op 22 februari 2025 bezoekt Belgiumdigital enkele iconische locaties in Gent. Meer informatie HIER! Deze stadswandeling is inmiddels VOLGEBOEKT!
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Eye-One Display LT
"Eye-One Display LT is designed for creative professionals just getting started with color management. Users can select between 1.8 or 2.2 gamma
settings, have ambient light measurement functionality and the push-button
calibration feature. Eye-One Display LT shows target color temperature and
luminance, and stores all the information in a profile - ideal for
post-profile analysis. Eye-One Display LT can also calibrate multiple
monitors connected to a single workstation. It is the ideal entry-point
for the price sensitive creative professional and can be easily upgraded
to the capabilities of the Eye-One Display 2 as users' needs expand."
Eye-One Display 2
"Eye-One Display 2 is designed for advanced professionals and includes all
the features of Eye-One Display LT, as well as a virtually unlimited gamma
selection from 1.0 to 3.0. The ambient light sensor on Eye-One Display 2
offers more precise, controlled viewing through measurement-based
whitepoint targeting. Eye-One Display 2 defines calibration parameters by
opening previously generated Eye-One Display profiles and matching
multiple monitors for accurate viewing. Users can now monitor and track
the performance of their display in terms of DeltaE, which allows for a
deeper view of the capabilities and better monitor performance. Eye-One
Display 2 also supports ICC4 profile specification for high quality
Komt er ongeveer op neer dat de LT iets goedkoper is, maar beperkt zou zijn tot 2 gamma-keuzes en 3 witpunt-keuzes. De LT kan alleen ICC V2-profielen aanmaken, de display 2 kan ICC V2 en ICC V4 profielen aanmaken.
Let wel, zelf heb ik alleen ervaring met de EyeOne Display 2.
Eye-One Display LT
"Eye-One Display LT is designed for creative professionals just getting started with color management. Users can select between 1.8 or 2.2 gamma
settings, have ambient light measurement functionality and the push-button
calibration feature. Eye-One Display LT shows target color temperature and
luminance, and stores all the information in a profile - ideal for
post-profile analysis. Eye-One Display LT can also calibrate multiple
monitors connected to a single workstation. It is the ideal entry-point
for the price sensitive creative professional and can be easily upgraded
to the capabilities of the Eye-One Display 2 as users' needs expand."
Eye-One Display 2
"Eye-One Display 2 is designed for advanced professionals and includes all
the features of Eye-One Display LT, as well as a virtually unlimited gamma
selection from 1.0 to 3.0. The ambient light sensor on Eye-One Display 2
offers more precise, controlled viewing through measurement-based
whitepoint targeting. Eye-One Display 2 defines calibration parameters by
opening previously generated Eye-One Display profiles and matching
multiple monitors for accurate viewing. Users can now monitor and track
the performance of their display in terms of DeltaE, which allows for a
deeper view of the capabilities and better monitor performance. Eye-One
Display 2 also supports ICC4 profile specification for high quality
Komt er ongeveer op neer dat de LT iets goedkoper is, maar beperkt zou zijn tot 2 gamma-keuzes en 3 witpunt-keuzes. De LT kan alleen ICC V2-profielen aanmaken, de display 2 kan ICC V2 en ICC V4 profielen aanmaken.
Let wel, zelf heb ik alleen ervaring met de EyeOne Display 2.
Photography helps people to see -Berenice Abbott-
Het is vaak zo (en hier volgens mij ook) dat de calibratietoestellen zelf helemaal dezelfde zijn, maar dat de bijgevoegde software verschilt.
Zo heb je bij de ene idd beperktere calibratiemogelijkheden, terwijl de andere volledig alle professionele detailopties bevat.
Héél simpel. Bij de display 2 kan je, zoals je hier kan zien, het Gamma, White point en Luminace instellen.
Bij de LT kan je enkel de White point instellen, zoals je hier kan zien.
En voor uitgebreide duidelijke reviews, kan je hier eens kijken.