Hieronder een lijst van fotoboeken ... allen nagenoeg in nieuwstaat.
De meesten gaan over natuur, landschap en dierfotografie. Er zitten behoorlijk wat klassiekers bij!
Natuur, landschap en dierfotografie:
Galen Rowell: Inner Game of outdoor photography
Chris Coe: Kunst der landschaftsfotografie
Nialll Benvue: Creative Landscape Photography
William Cheung: Landscapes
William Neil:l Landscapes of the spirit
Peter Watson: Light in the Landscape
Joe Cornish: First light --- A Landscape Photographer's Art
Nigel Hicks/ Christiopher Weston: Double vision (landschapsfotografie)
Joe Cornish, Paul Wakefield, David Noton: Countryside (landschapsfotografie)
Joe Cornish, Paul Wakefield, David Noton: Coast (landschapsfotografie)
Arthur Morris: The Art of Bird Photography
George Lepp: Beyond the basics: Innovative techniques for nature photography
John Shaw: Nature Photography Field Guide
John Shaw: Focus on Nature
John Shaw: close-ups in nature
Terry Hope: Worlds top Photographers: Landscape
Terry Hope: Worlds top Photographers: Wildlife
BBC Wildlife photographer of the year: Portfolio 12
BBC Wildlife photographer of the year: Portfolio 13
Clive Nichols: New Shoots (Planten + Bloemen Macro)
Michael Bussele: Landschappen en Tuinen fotograferen
Algemene fotografie:
John Hedgecoe: Kunst der farbfotografie
Lee Frost: Mit eigenen foto's geld verdienen
George E. Todd: Elements of Color Photography
Steve Bavister: Lighting for still life
Hicks/ Schutz: Still life (a guide to professional lighting techniques)
Terry Hope: still life -- developing style in creative photography
Ik wil ze allemaal in 1 deal van de hand doen ... verkoop zelf maar door wat je niet interessant vindt.
Afhaalprijs: Euro 250,-
Interesse: mail me op borger@pmrresearch.nl
De meesten gaan over natuur, landschap en dierfotografie. Er zitten behoorlijk wat klassiekers bij!
Natuur, landschap en dierfotografie:
Galen Rowell: Inner Game of outdoor photography
Chris Coe: Kunst der landschaftsfotografie
Nialll Benvue: Creative Landscape Photography
William Cheung: Landscapes
William Neil:l Landscapes of the spirit
Peter Watson: Light in the Landscape
Joe Cornish: First light --- A Landscape Photographer's Art
Nigel Hicks/ Christiopher Weston: Double vision (landschapsfotografie)
Joe Cornish, Paul Wakefield, David Noton: Countryside (landschapsfotografie)
Joe Cornish, Paul Wakefield, David Noton: Coast (landschapsfotografie)
Arthur Morris: The Art of Bird Photography
George Lepp: Beyond the basics: Innovative techniques for nature photography
John Shaw: Nature Photography Field Guide
John Shaw: Focus on Nature
John Shaw: close-ups in nature
Terry Hope: Worlds top Photographers: Landscape
Terry Hope: Worlds top Photographers: Wildlife
BBC Wildlife photographer of the year: Portfolio 12
BBC Wildlife photographer of the year: Portfolio 13
Clive Nichols: New Shoots (Planten + Bloemen Macro)
Michael Bussele: Landschappen en Tuinen fotograferen
Algemene fotografie:
John Hedgecoe: Kunst der farbfotografie
Lee Frost: Mit eigenen foto's geld verdienen
George E. Todd: Elements of Color Photography
Steve Bavister: Lighting for still life
Hicks/ Schutz: Still life (a guide to professional lighting techniques)
Terry Hope: still life -- developing style in creative photography
Ik wil ze allemaal in 1 deal van de hand doen ... verkoop zelf maar door wat je niet interessant vindt.
Afhaalprijs: Euro 250,-
Interesse: mail me op borger@pmrresearch.nl